Terms and Conditions

**Terms and Conditions**

Welcome to the website www.your-day.net ("the Website"), owned and operated by Your Day Company, a limited liability company registered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) under license number 764928, located at Emaar Square, Building No. 3, Downtown Dubai, UAE.

These terms of use, along with all additional policies and terms (if applicable) found on the Website, govern your access to and use of the Website and services, including our mobile application (collectively referred to as "the Services"). You can find all the relevant policies and additional terms here on www.your-day.net ("Legal Documents"). These Legal Documents are incorporated by reference into these terms of use.

By accessing, registering, or continuing to use the Services, you agree to comply with these terms of use and the amended Legal Documents immediately.

**About the Website**

This Website is an e-commerce platform that allows users, including businesses, to showcase and sell products, as well as enabling companies and individuals to purchase a variety of products.

We reserve the right to offer new services, update any existing services, or withdraw services at our discretion, with no liability.

**Registration Requirements**

You have the right to register as a buyer or seller and use the Services if you meet the following eligibility criteria:

For Buyers:
1. You must be of legal age to purchase products in your country of residence.
2. You must be able to provide an address in the United Arab Emirates or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for product delivery.

For Sellers:
1. You must have a registered business according to your country's laws.
2. You must have a valid commercial license.
3. You must be able to provide authorization for individuals registering on the Website or using it.
4. Provide proof of identity for the authorized individual.
5. Provide supporting banking information.
6. Acknowledge that additional requirements may apply to certain product categories.

To register on the Website, you will need to provide some information, and your registration will not be accepted unless the required information is provided. We have the right to reject any registration without providing reasons. We also have the right to conduct necessary verification to confirm your identity and registration requirements.

Upon successful registration, your registration will continue for an unspecified period, subject to possible suspension or cancellation according to section 6 of these terms of use.

**Your Obligations**

When using or accessing the Services, you agree to the following:

- You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and restricting access to it, as well as using and securing your password. You agree to take responsibility for all activities carried out under your account and password.
- You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security.
- You must provide complete, truthful, accurate, and current information about yourself and your use of the Services as specified by us.
- You shall not disclose to any third party, except as required or as specified by us, the user information provided to you.
- You will cooperate with our requests for additional information regarding your eligibility and use of our services.

When using the Services, you agree not to:

- Publish, upload, or post any inappropriate or prohibited content or materials on our Website, including:
   - Morally or religiously inappropriate content.
   - Content or materials that do not comply with local law, Islamic law, rules, ethics, values, customs, and traditions.
   - Content or materials that may threaten national security.
   - Content or materials related to gambling.
   - Securities, including stocks, bonds, certificates, or any other securities or assets.
   - Living or dead creatures or any part of any animal preserved or maintained by any industrial or natural means.
   - Any weapons.
   - Alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, mind-altering substances, sleeping pills, alcoholic beverages in any form, and medical drugs.
   - Chemically related materials.
   - Publish materials you know to be defective, counterfeit, damaged, misleading, or potentially harmful when used normally for the benefit of another user of the Website, or for their health.
   - Non-transferable vouchers.
   - Misleading or counterfeit materials.
   - Violate the law or deceive it, or violate any third-party rights or our regulations or policies or violate decisions related to your account status.
   - Use the Services if you no longer meet the eligibility criteria or if you are unable to enter into legally binding contracts or if your account has been temporarily or indefinitely suspended.
   - Fail to pay for products you have purchased, unless there is a legal reason supporting it in any of our policies.
   - Fail to deliver products to customers that you have sold (if applicable) unless there is a legal reason supporting your position and mentioned in any of our policies.
   - Use contact information provided to you during a transaction on the Website to attempt to increase sales outside of the Website or on other websites.
   - Manipulate the price of any products.
   - Interfere with the listings of other users.
   - Publish incorrect, inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, or similar content.
   - Transfer your account to a third party without obtaining prior written approval from us.
   - Publish unsolicited electronic messages or communications, or similar actions.
   - Publish viruses or any other technology that may harm our services or the interests or properties of other users or their properties.

You agree not to breach:

- Intellectual property rights, trademarks, patents, ethics, advertising, database, and/or any other intellectual property rights ("Intellectual Property Rights") related to us or licensed to us.
- Any third-party Intellectual Property Rights.

You shall not collect user information without their consent.

**Governing Law**

These terms of use and any non-contractual rights or obligations related to them shall be subject to and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates as applied in the Emirate of Dubai.

**Dispute Resolution**

If you encounter any issues with our services, please contact us, and we will work diligently to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Any disputes or disagreements related to these terms of use, including any non-contractual rights or obligations, shall be settled through arbitration in accordance with the DIFC-LCIA rules by a single arbitrator. The place of arbitration shall be the Dubai International Financial Centre, and the language of arbitration shall be English.

**Third-Party Rights**

A person who is not a party to these terms and conditions has no right to enforce any of its terms.

**Relationship of the Parties**

These terms of use do not create or imply any partnership, agency, or joint venture between the parties, but it is understood and clear that all parties to the agreement are independent entities.

**Additional Assurances**

The parties shall perform any acts necessary or arrange for the acts necessary and shall execute documents and other matters within their control to enforce and ensure compliance with these terms of use, including, for example, assisting each other in complying with the applicable law.


These terms of use provide guarantees to achieve the benefit for the parties and their officially appointed and authorized successors. You agree not to waive or transfer any of the terms of use, rights, or obligations related to these terms of use, whether directly or indirectly, without obtaining prior written approval from us.

**Entire Agreement**

These terms of use and the referred Legal Documents

 or documents included in these terms of use constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter of the agreement and prevail over all previous agreements, negotiations, and previous written or oral acknowledgments related to the subject matter. Except as otherwise specified in these terms of use and the referred Legal Documents or documents included in these terms of use, there are no terms, representations, warranties, commitments, or agreements between the parties, whether directly or indirectly, express or implied, collective or explicit.


No amendment to these terms of use or the addition of any provision or supplement to them is permitted. We reserve the right to make any amendments, changes, additions, or supplements to these terms of use at any time or from time to time. We will publish the current version of the terms of use on the Website, and it will become effective upon publication on the Website or as specified by us as the "Effective Date," if any. Your continued use of the Services following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the modified terms of use.


If any of these terms of use are held to be void by any competent court or unenforceable or not in conformity with the law, they shall be considered void and shall not affect the legality and economics of the transactions conducted under these terms of use without any contrary effect on their parties.

**Force Majeure**

Neither party shall be responsible for any loss or delay or failure to fulfill its obligations as a result of actions beyond its control, whether such actions are predictable (such as force majeure) or not, such as acts of the judiciary, legislative, or regulatory authorities of any federal or local government or judicial actions, or actions taken by any of our contractors or any third party that supplies goods or services to us, or labor disturbances, or full electricity interruption, or economic blockade.


Waiving any of the provisions contained in these terms of use shall not be considered as waiving any other provision (whether similar or dissimilar), nor shall any other waiver be considered as continuous waiver of the relevant provisions, unless we have explicitly and in writing agreed to that
